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我讚美耶穌 I praise You Jesus 中英文版

Updated: May 4, 2022

專輯:611 敬拜詩歌創作專輯1 - 一顆謙卑的心 A Humble Heart


因祢恩典 我能重新站立

Because of Your grace, I can stand up again.

因祢的愛 醫治我破碎心靈

Because of Your love, has healed my broken heart.

因祢的憐憫 我能感受祢的擁抱

Because of Your compassion, I can feel Your embrace.

因祢陪伴 我不再孤單

Because of Your company, I’m no longer alone.'


我讚美耶穌 祢是唯一的救主

I praise You Jesus, You’re the only saviour.

我讚美耶穌 因祢是我最愛

I praise You Jesus, for You’re my most loved.

祢是美善的神 對我永遠是最好

You’re the God of goodness, always give the best to me.

耶穌 我讚美祢直到永遠

Jesus, I praise you till forever.

[Last Chorus]

祢是美善的神 對我永遠是最好

You are the kindness God, always give the best to me.

耶穌 我愛祢直到永遠

Jesus, I love You till forever.

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