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世代的禱告 Prayers of the Generation 中英文版



我們的主 憐憫的主

Our heavenly Lord, Merciful Lord


We seek You to remember this generation

國仇家怨 矛盾衝突

Hatreds and conflicts are everywhere

分化 仇恨 遍地

Between families and countries


求祢 睜開眼望

May You open your eyes

求祢 側耳垂聽

May You listen to our prayers


願祢憐憫 賜下真光

Merciful Lord, please send Your true lights

我們的主 懇請祢垂聽 我們禱告

Our heavenly Lord, we seek You to listen to our prayers


May dry land bloom once again.

枷鎖脫落 叫黑暗離開

Shackles fell off, call the darkness away

讓被擄得釋放 歸向祢

Let the captives be set free, return to You

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