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全因為祢 All because of You 中英文版

Updated: Jun 27, 2021



常言道 人生像演戲

As it’s said: life’s like a movie

回看這生精彩 因有祢

But my life’s been gorgeous, all cos of You


Can we find eternality?


Or life’s like bright shooting stars


You are the one my life can depend on


死蔭幽谷中 祢伴我過渡

Inside the darkest valley, You went through with me

歡欣裡 風光裡 祢共我同在

In joyful and bright moments, You’re always with me

當身處孤單傷痛 來擁我入懷

When I was lonely and hurt, You came and embraced me

祢是我神 是我奇妙救恩

You are my God, my miraculous salvation

[Chorus 1]

全因為祢 令我一生都佳美

All cos of You, my whole life is gorgeous

祢令我生命從空虛 化做傳奇

You’ve turned my life from emptiness into a legend


Whether I'm strong like the red sun


Or growing old like the sunset


It’s You who make me flying high like an eagle

[Chorus 2]

全因為祢 令我一生都佳美

All cos of You, my whole life is gorgeous

祢令我生命從空虛 化做傳奇

You’ve turned my life from emptiness into a legend

唯獨祢是我拯救 我總不至死

You are my only saviour, I no longer have to die

直到永遠 從心底讚美

And forever I praise You from my heart

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