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因祢與我同行 Because You walk with me 中英文版

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

詩集:有情天詩集 03 - 你愛永不變,17

[Verse 1]

因祢與我同行 我就不會孤寂

For You walk next to me, I won’t feel lonely.

歡笑時祢同喜 憂傷時祢共泣

When I’m happy You smile, You will cry when I’m sad.

因祢是我力量 我就不會絕望

For You’re my source of strength, I will not in despair.

困乏軟弱中有祢賜恩 我就得剛強

With Your grace in my weakest time, I will regain my strength.

[Chorus 1]

經風暴 過黑夜

Through the storm and through the night

度阡陌 越洋海

Through the fields and cross the sea


With You carry me through


I can bravely move on

[Ending 1]

願我所行路徑 願我所歷際遇

May the paths I walk through, and all my encounters


everywhere show Your trace of presence and of all Your grace

[Verse 2]

因主與你同行 你就不會孤寂

For the Lord walk with you, you won’t feel lonely.

歡笑時祂同喜 憂傷時祂共泣

When you’re happy He smile, He will cry when you’re sad.

因主是你力量 你就不會絕望

For He’s your source of strength, you will not in despair.

困乏軟弱中有祂賜恩 你就得剛強

With His grace in your weakest time, you will regain your strength.

[Chorus 2]

經風暴 過黑夜

Through the storm and through the night

度阡陌 越洋海

Through the fields and cross the sea


With He carry you through


you can bravely move on

[Ending 2]

願你所行路徑 願你所歷際遇

May the paths you walk through, and all your encounters


everywhere show His trace of presence and of all His grace

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