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因著信 By Faith 中英文版

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

曲 / 詞: 盧永亨

[Verse 1]

憑信 他離別吾珥

By faith he departed from Ur,

因信 全然奉上愛子

In faith he sacrificed his heir.

憑信 還有人全力抓住天使

By faith he wrestled with an angel in a game,

贏到祝福 換了名字

Won his blessing and a new name.

[Verse 2]

憑信 他行近紅海

In faith by Red Sea he encamped,

因信 連潮浪也分開

The sea parted at his command.

憑信 曾有人被困於獅子坑內

For his faith he was thrown into the lions’ den

仍敬拜上帝 發誓至死不改

Kept worshipping God, faithful until the end!


在某天他下決心 圍繞在城外

By faith he marched with the priests around the city wall,

憑信放聲呼喊 城牆便倒塌下來

In faith shouted loudly, the wall tumbled a great fall.


Faithful prophets waited and yearned, from exile they will return,


Believing the Shekinah will return!

[Verse 3]

憑信 我們懷著憑據

In faith we have the evidence,

因信 同尋著了應許

By faith we’ve found the assurance.

憑信 能夠發現在世間只是寄居

By faith we realized this life is but a sojourn,


To our much better home we will return!

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