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我向祢禱告 I pray to You, Lord 中英文版

曲/詞: Brenda Li 李藹兒

版權屬Son Music 新音樂敬拜創作所有

[Verse 1]

祢是我神 是我的依傍

You are my God. Lord, You’re my pillar.

在我無助困苦中 祢在細聽察看

When I’m helpless in distress, You hear and watch closely.

是我磐石與拯救 是我高臺與詩歌

You’re my rock, my deliver. You’re my fortress and my hymns.

祢體恤我 祢保守我

You console me. You protect me.

[Verse 2]

祢是我神 是我的依傍

You are my God. Lord, You’re my pillar.

在我無助困苦中 祢在細聽察看

When I’m helpless in distress, You hear and watch closely.

是我能力與保障 是我盾牌與幫助

You’re my strength and power. You’re my shield and helper.

祢應許我 祢在掌舵

You give promises. You’re at the helm.

[Chorus 1]

我向祢禱告 縱使我軟弱

I pray to You, Lord, though I am fragile.

我雖失信 祢仍然可信

Though I break my word, You remain faithful.


Even mountains ahead are high.


Paths look tough, like no way forward.

但信靠祢 祢定會開路

But trust in You, You will make the way.

[Chorus 2]

向世界宣告 祢是我盼望

Declare to the world, You are my hope, Lord.

我心相信 靠著祢得勝

I believe in You. Gain victory with You.


May Your hands fight the war for me.


In Your name, achieve good things.

一心倚靠祢 遵行祢旨意

I rely on You. Follow Your will.

[Bridge 1]

我看著眾山嶺 吩咐它們挪開

I look at all mountains, ask them to move away.


In You, there’s nothing impossible.

祢教導我禱告 要帶著信心宣告

You taught me how to pray, to declare with my faith.


Believe, You can hear my prayers.

[Bridge 2]

我看著眾山嶺 吩咐它們挪開

I look at all mountains, ask them to move away.


In You, there’s nothing impossible.

祢教導我禱告 要帶著權柄宣告

You taught me how to pray, to declare with authority.


Believe, You can hear my prayers.

[Ending Chorus 2]

向世界宣告 祢是我盼望

Declare to the world, You are my hope, Lord.

我心相信 靠著祢終會得勝

I believe in You. Gain final victory with You.


May Your hands fight the war for me.


In Your name, achieve good things.

一心倚靠祢 遵行祢旨意

I rely on You. Follow Your will.

[Last Line]

一心倚靠祢 神蹟必可看見

I rely on You. I’ll see the miracles.

[Final Chorus]


May Your hands fight the war for me.


In Your name, achieve good things.

只想看見 我只想看見

Just want to see. I just want to see.


Your will manifested.

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