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我需要有祢在我生命中 I need You in my life 中英文版

Updated: Jun 27, 2021

詩集:有情天CD03 - 活出真正的你,13

[Verse 1]

哦主 求祢保守我的心 我的意念

O Lord, guard my heart and guard my mind, this I pray,


that I may obey and do Your will.


I will treasure Your word deeply in my heart,

作路上的光 成為我腳前的燈

light upon my path and the lamp before my feet.

[Verse 2]

哦主 求祢堅固我信心 我的力量

O Lord, may You strengthen my faith and give me strength.


that I may move forward with courage.


I know, that I will still be so weak at times,

求祢帶領我 使我不會再退縮

O Lord guide me through, so that I will never turn away.



I need You Lord, I need You in my life,


that I may live more like You each day my life,


so to become the child in whom You please, O lord,


that my life can truly be glorifying Your name.

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