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無價之寶 Priceless 中英文版

專輯:約書亞大衛帳幕的榮耀專輯 - 恢復榮耀 Restoration

作詞/作曲:Andre Hermanto

[Verse 1]

我的名字 刻劃在祢心中

You carved my name, deep inside Your heart

我的臉孔 深印在祢眼中

Within Your sight, my face is painted on

不是因為 我勢力才能

It’s not because, my power or talent

乃是因著 祢奇妙寬容恩典

But it’s because, Your miraculous grace

[Verse 2]

雖然有時 我會跌倒軟弱

Although at times, I will crumble and fall

祢卻一直 包容不放棄我

But till the end, You refused to give me up

用祢慈愛 緊緊的擁抱

You hug me tight, with Your gracious love

我讚美祢 寶貴奇妙大愛

I praise You Lord, for Your priceless wondrous love


唯有祢配得 所有的讚美

Only You’re worthy, of all of our praise


All the honour, glory

主祢的十架 是無價至寶

The cross that Lord You, bear for us is priceless


You are my almighty Lord Jesus

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