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誰曾應許 Who has promised 中英文版


[Verse 1]

誰曾應許 一生不撇下我

Who has promised, will never forsake me?

每段窄路 誰陪我去走過

In narrow paths, who walk along with me?

誰還領我 於青草恬靜處躺臥

Who has led me, to lay in tranquillity of the grass,


ample grace more than the sands by sea?

[Verse 2]

誰曾應許 天天看顧著我

Who has promised, to watch over me every day.

晝夜眷佑 連頭髮也數過

Here day and night, even have counted my hairs?

誰還以愛 驅走心裡懼怕怯懦

Whose love can drive out fear and timidity from hearts,


fearing to be embroiled in whirlpool?


因祢是我主 我避難所 我盾牌和詩歌

Coz You are my Lord, my refuge, my shield and my song,

祢是我的高臺 我隨時幫助

You are my fortress, here help me all the time.

來吧用信心 讚頌和高歌

Let us use our faith, to sing and praise.


Let Your spirit lives in me.


For you’re the only eternity


I won’t rely anyone but You

[Last Line]


Who am I after all?


Why do You care me so much, Lord?

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